Borax is the biborate of soda. As a medicine, it won its first laurels in the nursery, where it has long been used in the treatment of sore nipples and children's sore mouth. Like all popular remedies, it has been greatly abused. Homeopathy has rescued it from the nursery and now offers it to the profession as a medicine of great value, telling when it may and when it may not be used. Underlying this sore mouth, which seems to be the keynote for the use of Borax, is a system or constitution which will permit of the sore mouth, that is, an illy-nourished system. Thus the infant becomes pale or of an earthy hue, its flesh grows soft and flabby; it cries a great deal when it nurses, screams out during sleep and awakens clinging to its mother as if frightened by a dream. The child is excessively nervous, so much so, that the slightest noise, the mere rustling of paper, or a distant heavy noise, will arouse and frighten it. This nervous excitability qualifies the pains. For instance, in the earache, you will find that each paroxysm of pain causes the child to start nervously. This earache is accompanied by soreness, swelling and heat of the ear, just as you find in Belladonna, Pilsatilla, and Chamomilla. There is a mucous or muco-purulent otorrhoea. Borax is distinguished from these similar remedies by this character of the nervousness, this starting with the pain or with slight noises, by the paleness of the face and above all by another well-proved symptom, the child dreads a downward motion. Thus if the little one is soundly asleep in its mother's arms and she makes the attempt to lay it down in its crib, it gives a start and awakens. If she attempts to carry it down stairs, it will cling to her as if afraid of falling. This must not be confounded with the excitability of other medicines as Chamomilla and Belladonna. It is not the motion that awakens the child. The child will not awaken if it is moved without any downward motion. It must, then, be the downward motion that arouses it. The reason for this is, that the child is suffering from cerebral anaemia and this downward motion causes a feeling as though it were going to fall. This symptom may also be utilized in adults, as, for example, in the case of invalids who have been ordered to take horseback rides, but who cannot do so, because when the horse lets them down, they feel as if they were in torture. You will also find that ladies, after' some exhausting disease, cannot use a rocking-chair, because when they rock backwards, they feel as if they would tumble.
Active Ingredients Borax 3X to 30X - 3C to 30C HPUS Inactive Ingredients Sucrose, lactose
Boiron Borax 30 C, 80 Pellets
Boiron Borax 30 C, 80 Pellets
By - Boiron
Item #:
sku: 306960129134-BOIRON-BM
Borax is the biborate of soda. As a medicine, it won its first laurels in the nursery, where it has long been used in the treatment of sore nipples and children's sore mouth.
Homeopathy has rescued it from the nursery and now offers it to the profession as a medicine of great value, telling when it may and when it may not be used. Underlying this sore mouth, which seems to be the keynote for the use of Borax, is a system or constitution which will permit of the sore mouth, that is, an illy-nourished system.
Borax is the biborate of soda. As a medicine, it won its first laurels in the nursery, where it has long been used in the treatment of sore nipples and children's sore mouth.
Homeopathy has rescued it from the nursery and now offers it to the profession as a medicine of great value, telling when it may and when it may not be used. Underlying this sore mouth, which seems to be the keynote for the use of Borax, is a system or constitution which will permit of the sore mouth, that is, an illy-nourished system.
Health Attributes:
Sku: 306960129134-BOIRON-BM
Size: 80Pellets
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Qualifies for USPS First Class Shipping. Orders of 2 or more (mix and match) ships Priority Mail (1-3 days). Shipping credits for 3 or more items at checkout.
Adults and children: Dissolve 5 pellets in the mouth 3 times a day until relieved or as directed by a doctor.
Safety Warning:
Do not use if pellet-dispenser seal is broken. Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep out of reach of children.
Legal Statement:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Adults and children: Dissolve 5 pellets in the mouth 3 times a day until relieved or as directed by a doctor.
Safety Warning:
Do not use if pellet-dispenser seal is broken. Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen. If pregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep out of reach of children.
Legal Statement:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts:
Active Ingredients Borax 3X to 30X - 3C to 30C HPUS Inactive Ingredients Sucrose, lactose
Active Ingredients Borax 3X to 30X - 3C to 30C HPUS Inactive Ingredients Sucrose, lactose
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