Flax Oil by Barlean's 8 oz Liquid Flax Oil - Freshest Most Nutritious and Best Tasting - Naturally Fresh pressed daily express air delivery to your store freshness dating. At Barlean's we call this Fresh ExPressed TM and it ensures you of the Freshest Most Nutritious and Best Tasting Organic Oils - Naturally Barlean's - The One and Only Fresh ExPressed TM Flax Oil Fresh Pressed Daily - for your health Air Delivery - arriving just days after being made Freshness Dated - maximum freshness and potency 100 Organic Pesticide free Unrefined Unfiltered Protected from heat light oxygen 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back When it Comes to Flax Oil Fresh is Best Suggested Use 1 -2 Tbsp. Daily. Can be used in salad dressings mixed with yogurt cottage cheese oatmeal or used in blended beverages protein drinks. Best Kept Refrigerated. Freezing will extend shelf life up to one year. Ingredients 100 unrefined unfiltered organic flaxseed oil. One Tablespoon Provides approximately Omega-3 a