Flower Essence Services Animal Relief Formula Dropper Herbal Supplements, 1 Ounce

Flower Essence Services Animal Relief Formula Dropper Herbal Supplements, 1 Ounce

Item #: 782932150120

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 The Animal Rescue Formula (ARF) features Arnica - Recovery from shock and trauma - embodiment and integration of energy bodies with the physical body following disruption and disassociation
 Flower Essence
 Manufactured in United States

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SKU: 782932150120-FLOWERESSENCESERVICES-SB Categories: , ,

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The Animal Rescue Formula (ARF) features Arnica - Recovery from shock and trauma - embodiment and integration of energy bodies with the physical body following disruption and disassociation. Bleeding Heart - To help heal abandonment and separation; to facilitate new bonding and connection following displacement. Echinacea - To restore wholeness and dignity by rejuvenating the core immune system and sense of identity. Fireweed - Recovery of vital forces following devastation, trauma, and injury. Five-Flower Formula - Fundamental composite formula developed by Dr. Bach to provide relief in all rescue and recovery situations. Holly - To encourage and restore basic loving impulses, bonding and connection; to facilitate heart-based relationships based upon trust. Mariposa Lily - To provide mothering comfort and nurturing forces for abandoned or abused animals; to restore mothering instincts to female animals. Oregon Grape - To restore trust when violent, abusive or degrading circumstances have created defensive barriers. Poison Oak - To restore capacity to be touched and natural vulnerability; to heal boundary or skin issues due to hyper-defensiveness and prior trauma. Red Clover - To help calm the heart and blood matrix; to ease anxiety or tendency to panic. Sweet Pea - To instill new bonding and territorial instincts following displacement and abandonment. Wild Rose - To bring new joy for life and will to live despite prior challenging circumstances.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Legal Statement :

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease


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