Holly Hill Health Foods, Sinus Blaster Spray (Professional Strength), 1 Ounce

Holly Hill Health Foods, Sinus Blaster Spray (Professional Strength), 1 Ounce

Item #: 788332159411

Original price was: $18.40.Current price is: $15.95.
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sku: 788332159411-HOLLYHILL-BM

 This formula may have an immediate, dramatic and direct impact on the sinus. It is an extremely pungent formula with aromatic compounds that produce vapors that open and dilate the sinus passageways in order to drain them.
 Cold and Sinus Blaser will open even the most stubborn and clogged sinus cavity for anywhere from a short period of time to a prolonged time.
health-attributes FOUND
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Sku: 788332159411-HOLLYHILL-BM
Size:   1 Fluid Ounce
SKU: 788332159411-HOLLYHILL-BM Categories: , , ,

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Offers an immediate, dramatic anddirect impact on the sinus. It is an extremely pungent formula with aromatic compounds that produce vapors that open and dilate the sinus passageways in order to drain them, deepen breathing and help to support immunity in the sinus.


Fresh Horseradish Root, Echinacea angustifolia Root, Fresh Spilanthes Herb, Elderberry, Garlic Bulb, Cayenne Fruit, Olive Leaf, Horehound Herb, Licorice Root, Peppermint Oil, Boneset Herb, Goldenseal Root, Wild Cherry Bark, Fresh Osha Root, Andrographis Herb, Onion Bulb, Yarrow Herb. Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water.


Hold close to mouth, spray 2 times and swallow. Repeat as needed.

Safety Warning:

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not take during pregnancy or while nursing.

Legal Statement:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Supplement Facts


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