Holly Hill Health Foods, Suprema Dophilus, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Holly Hill Health Foods, Suprema Dophilus, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Item #: 787500065929

$38.90 $27.75
29 in stock Free Shipping!

sku: 787500065929-HOLLYHILL-BM

 L.acidophilus (La-14) has demonstrated strong resistance to stomach acid, as well as to the pH found in the intestinal tract. This allows it to effectively bind to the cells of the intestinal tract and help support their function. L.acidophilus produces lactic acid, a chemical that helps keep pathogenic bacteria from colonizing and multiplying within the intestinal tract.
 L.acidophilus also produces lactase enzyme along with vitamin K and substances that help minimize the growth of pathogenic bacteria i.e. bacteriocin and lactocidin.
 L.bulgaricus (Lb-64) has many health benefits. It is a transient strain as it moves through the different sections of the small and large intestine.
 L.bulgaricus (Lb-64) helps to support normal peristalsis (wave-like muscular contractions of the intestinal lining) which helps encourage regular bowel movements. L. bulgaricus also helps support normal digestion and absorption of nutrients and the detoxification of pathogenic substances.
 Quality and Potency Guaranteed
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Sku: 787500065929-HOLLYHILL-BM
Size:   120 Vegetarian Capsules

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In addition to serving as a delivery system for the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste material, the intestinal tract also plays important roles in maintaining healthy immunity and providing resistance to pathogens. The GI tract is populated by billions of cells of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) which help us digest and absorb our food, maintain a healthy intestinal pH (acid content), protect us from pathogenic bacteria, and provide an environment conducive to the continued health of the intestinal tract


Proprietary probiotic blend: Lactobacilli Acidophilus, Bifidobacteria Lactis, Lactobacilli Ssalivarius, Lactobacilli Plantarum, Bifidobacteria Bifidum, Bifidobacteria Longum, Lactobacilli Rhamnosus, Lactobacilli Bulgaricus. Prebiotic blend: FOS, Fiberaid Arabinogalactan. Other Ingredients: vegetarian capsule, cellulose, water, silica, magnesium stearate and calcium silicate.


As a dietary supplement, adults take one (1) vegetarian capsule daily during meals or, as directed by a health care professional.

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Legal Statement:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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